Running Away to Join the Circus...
During my senior year of undergrad, I often cracked the joke often that a glass (or bottle) of wine was cheaper and easier than running away to join the circus when it came to dealing with finals/tech week/cantankerous designers/preparing to enter the "real world" as college graduates.
I have not cracked that joke in a long time. I was reminded of it this week when I announced that a new contract had come through.
I will be going back to Global Village in Dubai this autumn, but not as their stage manager this time. As the Circus General Manager for the new resident circus they are building at the park.
So not running away to join the circus, but to manage it. I always was an overachiever...
I fly out of JFK on the 16th of October. Coupled with my best friend's wedding, my two-week trip to London, and vast amounts of loose ends to wrap up, the next 6 weeks are going to be jam-packed and crazy. But it's helped me shake off the last of the slump I've been in this summer and get moving.
Besides, normal is boring. I left my desk jobs for a reason.